Monday, December 17, 2012

5 Things that You Should Never Say to a Girl

Women make our world complete. Their influence over our lives is unmatched, be it in the form of a mother, sister, wife, girlfriend or sometimes even a close gal pal! But there is one thing common among all these women..they are sharp conversationalists. Many a times guys have fallen for the conversational land mines which either they lay for us or we unknowinlgy create sometimes, and then step onto it! Now I am no expert at relationships, but experience has taught me a few things which I would am sharing through this post

1. Am I looking fat in this dress?  

This is a very common question asked by women, whose obvious answer is an instant no! (the lesser time you take, the safer you are) Whatever urge one has to say the truth that yes, you are looking fat and the dress has nothing to do with it, should be immediately suppressed. To make it look genuine, a subtle compliment like 'you are looking ever' helps, but the trick is not to overdo it by using pompous adjectives like 'ravishing' or 'stunning' (unless she looks so, and in which case your eyes will say more than these words), because women are usually quick to identify when a man lies.

2. You have made this dish like my mom used to do

A guy may make this remark innocently, thinking that he is showering his wife/gf with the ultimate compliment of comparing your girlfriend's/wife's cooking with his mom. But girls hate comparison, be it with a guy's mom or even worse his ex. Comparison is natural, but its better to keep it to you as it would be held against you in the court of law in some future fight.

3. Isn't she cute/hot?

When your girlfriend or your wife makes such a remark on some friend of hers or yours, in a party or on facebook (or anywhere), do not think that she is cool about you voicing your opinion on some other girl's beauty. An apparently casual question, guys tend to get lured into answering it honestly drawing the irk of the girl later on when he is expecting the least. So its always advisable to tread the middle path and come up with answers like 'she is fine' or 'she is ok' (probably with a shrug to make it look genuine).

4. Who were you talking to on phone? 

Never ask this question! It may be out of plain curiosity, but girls tend to think of the worst, that you are insecure and do not trust her. These two feelings are usually the tipping points of a relationship and if someone reaches this stage, there is a very bleak chance of going back to the happy forever phase. (Its also helpful if you don't automatically conclude that she was talking to some guy friend, otherwise the jealousy angle too creeps in her mind)

5. It must be your time of the month?

It might be, but that's not what she wants to hear when she is in irritated and in rage. Rationalizing doesn't work with women when they are angry and in pain (popularly known as PMSing), so its its better to take the high ground and show pity, instead of pointing that she is deranged by hormones. 

I know that whatever I have said above are heavily cliched, but the important point to be noted is that they are true and surely we are going to face situations which will finally boil down to these points ;)  

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